District Secretary’s Notices

Welcome to New Members

Congleton : Graham Shaun Cook
Homes Chapel: Barbara McGarry,
Homes Chapel: Mary Burnett (former PP)
Oldham: Stephen Lomax.
Stockport Lamplighter: George Lea ( former Member with Gatley & District)
Stockport Lamplighter: Martyn Griffiths ( former Member with Marple & Goyt Valley)

RIBI Polices 2017/2018:

Each year, Clubs are asked to sign the annual Compliance Statement form and return it to the District Secretary. This form is intended to be a reminder to Clubs about their responsibility to protect themselves, and others , in all Rotary activities and projects, in regard to four areas of compliance:
1. Health and Safety;
2. Equality and Diversity ;
3. Safeguarding; and
4. Data Protection .

Would Club Secretaries kindly arrange for the 2017/2018 Compliance Confirmation Form to be signed by both the 2017/2018 President and Secretary, and to forward such the District Secretary, please?

Remember, in the event of a claim being proven against a Club where insurance cover is not in place, each Club Member is jointly and severally liable.


District Executive Committee met on 30th May 2017 and unanimously resolved to create a Trust Fund and to apply both the capital and income derived therefrom to, or for, the relief of the families affected by the Manchester Arena bombing or such other charitable purpose as the District may, from time to time, direct.

Full particulars were sent to all Club Secretaries on 30th May.

The Trust Fund is to be called "The Manchester Arena Families Trust”. The Trustees are:
1. District Governor, Stan Bowes; and
2. District Treasurer, Roger Glew; and
3. District Secretary, PDG Graham Jackson

The Trustees have executed the Trust Deed and completed the appropriate bank mandate forms.

Kindly note,that with immediate effect, monies can be paid to District Treasurer Roger for this specific trust. If Clubs, or individuals, wish to make donations, then please forward such to District Treasurer Roger.

Rotary Club Central

Five years since its debut, Rotary Club Central is getting a big upgrade!
RI has completely redesigned RCC with a fresh, modern interface. Pages load faster, navigation is more intuitive, and easy-to-read charts and graphs make past and current club data more accessible. It is scheduled to be rolled out during July 2017.

If YOUR club hasn't yet started using Rotary Club Central, NOW is the time to get going with it. You will need to login with your RI My Rotary account), or if you don't yet have an RI My Rotary account, you can easily create one. Specific club executives can (indeed, must) update RCC for their club - ordinary members can only view it.

For further help, please contact your Area AG, District Trainer, or the Public Image Team, who will be pleased to assist.


For the information of Club Secretaries.
When a club wishes to change a member's type from Active to Honorary, the club secretary (or other executive) needs to change the "Membership Type" from Active to Honorary in the RIBI Database Management System (DMS). This will keep records up to date for billing purposes.

Rotary Club of Horwich

The Rotary Club of Horwich have decided to change their meeting time on the first Thursday from a lunchtime meeting to and evening meeting (1830hrs for 19.00hrs start)
This will be effective from the 1st Thursday in September 2017. The venue of the Horwich RMI Club Chorley New Road, Horwich, Bolton, BL6 5NH, remains the same.

District 1285 Council Meetings
will be held at Buile Hill,Salford on:

• Tuesday,26th September 2017;
• Saturday,2nd December 2017;
• Wednesday,21st March 2018; and
• Thursday,28th June 2018

District 1285 Executive Meetings:

• Thursday,7th September 2017
• Thursday, 2nd November 2017;
• Thursday,22nd February 2018; and
• Thursday,7th June 2018

District Committee Chairmen’s meetings:

Thursday,24th August 2017;
Thursday 19th October 2017
Thursday, 8th February 2018; and
Thursday,24th May 2018


© Rotary News

Issue archive:

Issue 115 (August 2022)
Issue 114 (August 2022)
Issue 113 (May 2022)
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Issue 108 (November 2021)
Issue 107 (October 2021)
Issue 106 (September 2021)
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Issue 104 (August 2021)
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Issue 76 (December 2019)
Issue 75 (December 2019)
Issue 74 (November 2019)
Issue 73 (November 2019)
Issue 72 (October 2019)
Issue 71 (September 2019)
Issue 70 (August 2019)
Issue 69 (August 2019)
Issue 68 (July 2019)
Issue 67 (July 2019)
Issue 66 (May 2019)
Issue 65 (April 2019)
Issue 64 (March 2019)
Issue 63 (March 2019)
Issue 62 (January 2019)
Issue 62 (January 2019)
Issue 61 (November 2018)
Issue 60 (November 2018)
Issue 59 (October 2018)
Issue 58 (October 2018)
Issue 57 (September 2018)
Issue 56 (August 2018)
Issue 55 (August 2018)
Issue 54 (July 2018)
Issue 53 (July 2018)
Issue 52 (June 2018)
Issue 51 (June 2018)
Issue 50 (May 2018)
Issue 49 (May 2018)
Issue 48 (May 2018)
Issue 46 (April 2018)
Issue 45 (April 2018)
Issue 44 (April 2018)
Issue 43 (April 2018)
Issue 42 (April 2018)
Issue 41 (March 2018)
Issue 40 (March 2018)
Issue 39 (February 2018)
Issue 38 (February 2018)
Issue 37 (January 2018)
Issue 36 (January 2018)
Issue 35 (January 2018)
Issue 34 (January 2018)
Issue 33 (December 2017)
Issue 32 (December 2017)
Issue 31 (December 2017)
Issue 30 (December 2017)
Issue 29 (December 2017)
Issue 28 (November 2017)
Issue 27 (November 2017)
Issue 26 (November 2017)
Issue 25 (October 2017)
Issue 24 (October 2017)
Issue 23 (October 2017)
Issue 22 (September 2017)
Issue 21 (August 2017)
Issue 20 (August 2017)
Issue 19 (July 2017)
Issue 18 (June 2017)
Issue 17 (June 2017)
Issue 16 (May 2017)
Issue 15 (May 2017)
Issue 14 (May 2017)
Issue 13 (April 2017)
Issue 12 (April 2017)
Issue 11 (April 2017)
Issue 10 (March 2017)
Issue 9 (March 2017)
Issue 8 (February 2017)
Issue 7 (February 2017)
Issue 6 (January 2017)
Issue 5 (December 2016)
Issue 4 (October 2016)
Issue 3 (September 2016)
Issue 2 (July 2016)
Issue 1 (July 2016)